Steps to KnowledgeThe Book of Inner Knowing

Step 338

Today I will be attentive.

BE ATTENTIVE TODAY so that you may see what is occurring around you. Be attentive today so that you may experience yourself in the world. Be attentive today so that you may experience that the fire of Knowledge is burning within you. Be attentive today so that you may experience that the presence of your Teachers is with you. Be attentive today so that you may see that the fire of Knowledge is burning within the world and that the presence of your Teachers is present in the world as well. These things will naturally come to you as you are attentive, for without condemnation you will see what is actually occurring. This will confirm your spiritual nature and purpose in the world. This will confirm your true identity and give meaning to your individual life.

BE ATTENTIVE UPON THE HOUR TODAY and have confidence that being attentive will yield its own true results for you. Without judgment and evaluation, you will see through all fearful appearances that the world may present to you. You will see through all fearful appearances that your imagination may present to you, for all fearful appearances are born of and substantiated by imagination. In being attentive to the world, you recognize the world’s confusion and its need for Knowledge. This will confirm your own confusion and need for Knowledge and will make you happy that you are now preparing to receive Knowledge itself.

IN YOUR DEEPER MEDITATION PRACTICES BE ATTENTIVE, be present and give yourself in stillness within the sanctuary of Knowledge. You need only be attentive. Judgment is not necessary. Be attentive and you will penetrate the false and you will receive the true. For true attention will always give you that which is true, and false attention will always give you that which is false.

TODAY YOU STRENGTHEN THIS FACULTY OF MIND, this ability to be attentive. You strengthen this for yourself and for the world, which needs to be recognized. For the world needs to be loved, and love only comes through true recognition.

Practice 338: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

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