YOUR INDEPENDENCE FROM THE PAST — your past judgments, past associations, past pains, past wounds and past difficulties— gives you independence in the present. This is not to solidify your separation or to make it more complete, but instead to enable you to join meaningfully in relationship. Let this be a tacit understanding: You can do nothing in the world without relationship. You can accomplish nothing; you can advance in no direction; you can realize no truth; you can contribute nothing of value without relationship. So as your independence from the past grows, thus does your promise for inclusion in the present and the future grow as well. For freedom is meant to empower you to join.
REMEMBER THIS IDEA UPON THE HOUR and give it consideration in light of all of your experiences today. In your two meditation practices, allow the attraction of Knowledge to pull you deeper within yourself. Allow yourself to have this experience of freedom.
Practice 132: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.