ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY, which is your ability to respond. Accept this, cultivate it, cherish it and welcome it. It is what will make you strong. It is what will make you devoted. It is what will bring to you the relationships you have always desired. This is the empowerment you so desperately need which you are learning now to claim for yourself. With this empowerment come the conditions for empowerment—that you respond to Knowledge and follow Knowledge, that you refrain from all motivations that are not born of Knowledge, that you become objective with yourself and your motives, that you question yourself without doubting yourself and that you surround yourself with individuals who can support the emergence of Knowledge within you and are free to tell you their own perceptions. This is essential for your well-being and development. This will protect you from self-error, which as you become more powerful will have greater and greater impact upon you and others.
ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY TODAY. Accept this, for it represents your truest and greatest need. Responsibility will enable you to love and extend yourself into the world.
UPON THE HOUR THINK OF TODAY’S IDEA. And as you enter meditation twice today, take full responsibility for being a student of Knowledge and enter into stillness and silence with your complete being. Let no thought or doubt dissuade you. Do not let ambivalence hold you back. Press onward. Open yourself. Enter the mystery of your life so that you may be able to respond to it, for this is the meaning of responsibility.
Practice 271: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.