LISTEN TO YOUR INNER TEACHERS, for they have wise counsel for you. Accept their counsel and work with it, realizing that only by following counsel will you understand its meaning and its value.
TAKE TIME UPON THE HOUR TO REMIND YOURSELF that your Inner Teachers are with you. Look forward to those two times in meditation today when you will be free from external obligations and involvements to spend time with your Inner Teachers. They will speak to you this day and help you to learn to listen and to discern their voice from other voices that plague your mind. They represent the one true voice that will speak unto your soul. They are not the substitutes that you create to keep yourself stimulated in fear. Therefore, extend your trust to them as they have extended their trust to you, for they are entrusting you with Knowledge in the world—a greater form of trust and acknowledgment you cannot imagine. For you to be the vehicle of Knowledge in the world, you must bear witness to the greatness of your origin and heritage and the greatness of God’s estimation of you.
THEREFORE, IN YOUR TWO DEEPER PRACTICES THIS DAY, in stillness and silence, turn your listening inward. Listen intently. Allow yourself to become receptive and you will know your Teachers are standing in the background, observing you, loving you and supporting you. And they will speak to you this day of things beyond the world and things within the world. They will remind you of your purpose and your function as you learn to listen this day.
Practice 247: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.