UPON EACH HOUR OF THIS DAY experience yourself following Knowledge. Make small decisions about small things as it is necessary, but make no great decisions without Knowledge. You have a personal mind to make small, insignificant decisions. But greater decisions should be made with Knowledge.
FOLLOW KNOWLEDGE TODAY UPON THE HOUR. Allow its peace and its certainty to abide with you. Allow its overall direction to be discerned by you. Allow its potency to affect you. Allow it to give itself to you as you are now learning to give yourself to it.
IN YOUR TWO LONGER MEDITATION PRACTICES TODAY, using the word RAHN, enter deeply into Knowledge. Enter deeply into the presence of life. Enter deeply into this experience. Continue to direct your mind towards this accomplishment. Continue to set aside anything that affects you or holds you back. In this way, you train the mind and prepare it as well for that which is most natural to it to occur.
FOLLOW KNOWLEDGE THIS DAY. If Knowledge indicates something and you are very certain about this, follow it and be observant. See what happens and try to learn to distinguish Knowledge from your impulses, your wishes, your fears and your avoidances. This must be learned through experience. In this way, Knowledge and everything that pretends to be Knowledge are drawn apart in contrast. This will provide for you greater certainty and greater self-confidence, which you will need in the times to come.
Practice 176: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.