TODAY I WILL BE PERFECTLY HONEST, recognizing what I actually know and what I only believe or hope for. I will not pretend I know things I do not know. I will not pretend I am richer than I am or poorer than I am. I will try to be exactly where I am today.
TRY TO BE EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE TODAY. Be simple. Be at ease. Observe the world around you. Carry out your worldly tasks. Do not exalt yourself. Do not demean yourself. This day allow everything to function as it actually does, without attempting to govern or manipulate yourself. The only exception to this is to utilize your self discipline so that you may carry out your practices for this day.
IN YOUR TWO LONGER PRACTICE PERIODS, repeat the affirmation for today and enter into stillness. Here you must exert the power of your mind. Here you are not attempting anything that is deceptive or anything that is unreal. You are allowing your mind to enter into its natural state, into a state of peace.
Practice 110: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.